Total Medals Earned: 58 (From
15 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 555 Points
Won the Alien Hominid plush
Won the Hank plush
Won the Barbarian Boss plush
Won the Beefy Bear plush
Won the Beefy Villager plush
Won the Bitey Bat plush
Won the Cat Guard plush
Won the Chris Plushy
Won the Chutney plushy!
Won the Cyclops plush
Won the Edd plush
Won the Giraffey plush
Won the Hatty Hattington plush
Killed 100 people in Hominid Homicide
Killed 50 people in Hominid Homicide
Survived 5 Minutes!
Won the Leo Plush!
Killed 500 enemies in Madness Arena!
Unlock the Katana in Madness Arena!
Unlocked the RPG in Madness Arena
Unlocked the shotgun in Madness Arena
Survived for 10 minutes!
Unlocked the uzi in Madness Arena
Killed 100 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival
Killed 50 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival
Won the Matt plush
Won the Monkeyface plush
Won the Pazzo plush
Won the Pico plush
Won the Pipistrello plush
Won the Pbot plushy!
Won the Rammy plush
Won the Red Knight plush
Won the Salad Fingers plush
Won the Satan plushy
Won the Scratchpaw plush
Won the Tank Man plush
Won the Behemoth Chicken plush
Won the Tom plush
Won the Tricky plush
Won the Yeti plush
Won the Zach plushy!
Got a score of at least 10 in the FnF minigame!
Unlocked the Minigun in Madness Arena!
Killed 200 zombies in Madness Zombie Survival!
Survived 5 Minutes
You won all of the plushies from the claw machine!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Defeat the Regular TV crew.
Kill the N00bs.
Defeat the Patriots.
Defeat the 67 Bots.
Defeat the Bad Dudes.
Defeat the HUGE Jerks.
Defeat the Castle Crashers.
Kill the NG Emotes.
Defeat the Evil Bosses.
Defeat 10 random bosses.
Defeat the VG Legends.
Defeat the Jerk Squad.
Kill the legendary characters.
Defeat the Bourgeois.
Defeat the Travis Bots.
Defeat the NG Folks.
Finish the Tutorial
Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!
Fall a long time for your ancestors
Slide a HELLA long time!
Save yourself from falling ten times
Earn all Platinums on Easy
Meet all the previous contestants
Earn all Platinums on Medium
Earn all Platinums on Hard
Thx for the free Medal >w<
Sit through the long-ass intro.
Discover the backstory.
Get invited to the dance party!
Find the hidden game.
Bring out the fat man.
Encounter the (kinda) giant crab.
Make a new friend!
Find the Squigly Fish!
Dispense of the boy.
Dispense of the girl.
Slay the dragon without getting hurt!
Beat level one without getting hurt.
Win the game!
You'll know it when you see it!
Smash the car in 20 seconds or less.
Destroy 90 Penguins.
Bring at least three Eddies to battle!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock tier 2 levels.
Unlock tier 3 levels.
Complete all levels in tier 1.
Complete all levels in tier 2.
Unlock tier 4 levels.
Complete all levels in tier 3.
Complete all levels in tier 4.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Shoot Jebediah Springfield's head off
Reach Springfield
Kill the bird at least once
Get 3 stars on Level 18
Complete the Game!
Kill everyone in springfield
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Kill Frink with the Laser
Shoot Otto's Earphones
Shoot Fat Tony's cup
Get 1st Place in the leaderboards
Get 3 stars on Level 1
Get 3 stars on Level 2
Get 3 stars on Level 3
Get 3 stars on Level 4
Get 3 stars on Level 5
Get 3 stars on Level 7
Get 3 stars on Level 8
Get 3 stars on Level 9
Get 3 stars on Level 10
Get 3 stars on Level 12
Get 3 stars on Level 13
Get 3 stars on Level 14
Get 3 stars on Level 15
Get 3 stars on Level 16
Get 3 stars on Level 19
Get 3 stars on Level 20
Get 3 stars on Level 21
Get 3 stars on Level 22
Get a 3 hit combo on todd's body
Convert all the Heathens on the Bonus Level
Complete the game 3 times in one session!
Score a load of points in Hockey Dad
Kill Sideshow Bob
Steal all the loot without dying
Shoot Maud's ghost 5 times in a row
Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get 3 stars on Kodo's ship
Get 3 stars at the Park with Quimby
Get 3 stars at the Alley with Snake
Get 3 stars at the Park with Otto
Get 3 stars at Seymour's House
Get 3 stars at the playground with Ralph
Get 3 stars at Apu's Kwik-E-Mart
Get 3 stars at Smithers' Castle
Get 3 stars against Devil Flanders
Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!
Don't kill your family members
Kill everyone in springfield
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get a highscore on the Leaderboards
Get 3 stars at the beginning
Get 3 stars at Frink's Lab
Get 3 stars at Burn's Golf Course
Get 3 stars on Bible Blasters
Get 3 stars at the Alley with Moleman
Get 3 stars at the Sea Captain's Shop
Get 3 stars at the Pettigrew's Shop
Get 3 stars on the Bridge to Springfield
Get 3 stars on Larry the Looter
Get 3 stars at Jabediah Springfield
Get 3 stars at the Park with Fat Tony
Get 3 stars at Springfield Zoo
Get 3 stars on Hockey Dad
Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern - Roof
Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern
Get 3 stars at The Simpsons' House
Get 3 stars inside The Simpsons' House
Get a 3 hit combo on Todd's body
Kill Sideshow Bob
Play the game 3 times in one session!
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Thanks for purchasing our new OS!
"There's nobody here."
Monkeh, monkeh.
Don't harass me its just a reference!
See your new pet fish!
Ur PC is slow
You don't have one.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.
Purchase an item!
He watches...
Uh oh!
Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...
RIP Shrek 9/11/01